Vector Portrait

Software: Illustrator, Photoshop

I took a photo which includes hands and glasses in order to learn and practice more technologies, but I forgot to reveal my ears. XD

Vector Portrait - photo

Vector Portrait – photo

Secondly, I retouched the photo in photoshop. Using the posterize effect to help me to determine highlight and shadow areas.

Vecto rPortrait - posterize

Vector Portrait – posterize

Through this assignment, I learned how to identify 3 tones – mid-tone, highlights and shadows. I mainly used Pen tool, Smooth Tool, Paintbrush Tool and Blob Brush Tool to complete this artwork. Not only was I more familiar with these tools but also learned a lot of useful technologies such as drawing iris and glasses, creating brushes (hair, eyelash) and using envelop distort to adjust patterns (sleeves, neckline).

The most challenges are mouth and hands. In the mouth part, I spend a large amount of time to make it seems normal. Before I drew hands, I though many ways. Finally, I figured out a way is to draw the contour of hands and add some highlights and shadows.

Lastly, I drew some lines to increase wrinkles of clothes and hands.

Vector Portrait - original color

Vector Portrait – original color

In this assignment, I learned an interesting convenient function which is using the Recolor Artwork Panel to change the entire color. I made a different color of the portrait!

Vector Portrait - alternative color

Vector Portrait – alternative color

This post is one of my assignment from GDPW program at Humber College.
the original link:

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