Vector Animated Gif

Software: Illustrator, Photoshop

Using Illustrator and Photoshop to create an animated GIF.
Through this assignment, I am more familiar with Pen tools, Shape Builder Tools and Symbol Sprayer Tools.
Before I started to draw, I had some ideas, such as rocking horses, paper windmills and so on. Ultimately, I decided Whack A Mole since it seemed interesting!

First, I sketched a rabbit although the final image looks different.( ̄▽ ̄)”

sketch - whack a mole

sketch – whack a mole

After that, I took a picture of it. Then, I refined it and drew background by using Illustrator.
Finally, I created a GIf with Photoshop Timeline panel.

whack a mole gif

whack a mole gif

This post is one of my assignment from GDPW program at Humber College.
the original link:

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