Isometric Illustration

Software: Illustrator

Sometimes, a thought comes up to my mind.
The more time or money you spend in a specific place, the more beautiful outcomes you get.
raindrops are like time or money,
an umbrella is similar to a controller,
flowers are the outcomes.
If you devote your whole mental and physical effort to practicing a skill, you will be an expert on it.

This time I try to express the idea by isometric illustration!
I recorded how did I draw an isometric illustration below:

First of all, I drew a hexagon and divided it by 3 lines.

isometric grid

isometric grid

Repeating the hexagon until it full of the artboard then, convert them to Guides.
It’s called isometric grids.
this video helped me a lot: Isometric Illustrator: Create Isometric Buildings / Speed Art / (2018)

isometric guides

isometric guides

I met the first challenge is I don’t know how to draw low poly clouds.
I followed the video’s instruction: Low Poly Illustrator Tutorial
I tried it again and again, but I can’t satisfied with the cloud(the 1st and 2nd one from the left).
After my boyfriend who is a 3D artist gave me a suggestion which was every node is connected by the angle of triangles not the side of triangles, I finally happy with the cloud(the 3rd one from left)!

low poly - cloud

low poly – cloud

This is how I drew the cloud.

low poly - cloud step

low poly – cloud step

The umbrella and flowers I colored by Mesh Tool.

Mesh Tool - umbrella

Mesh Tool – umbrella

Mesh Tool, Symbol - flower

Mesh Tool, Symbol – flower

The lamp and rocks were made by 3D effect.
the tutorial which I’ve watched: Create 3d Floating Island in Adobe Illustrator (Isometric View)
One of the rocks is my logo 🙂

3D Effect - Extrude & Bevel

3D Effect – Extrude & Bevel

This is my first time drew an isometric illustration. It is not too difficult but takes lots of patience.

isometric illustration

isometric illustration

other tutorials:
3分鐘掌握超有趣的2.5D AI插畫方法,讓你的設計更有逼格

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